XClusive Stores

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Shop Smarter: Home Delivery Even at Small Locations

XPayBack presents a new shopping experience with its innovative concept, XClusive Stores. These stores offer a one-stop-shop where you can find everything you need, from groceries to fashion and home decor.

XClusive Stores are managed by XPayBack, where we take care of the branding and marketing. The franchisee owners handle the operations to ensure that the store runs efficiently. This unique concept allows us to provide a seamless shopping experience for our users.

XClusive Stores can easily function at any place, including villages, which enables us to have a vast network of stores. This, in turn, helps merchants to increase their sales. We follow the "One Postal code, one category, one store" policy, which ensures that every neighbourhood has a variety of options to choose from.

The best part about shopping at XClusive Stores is the guaranteed cashback offer on every purchase. You earn cashback that can be used to make future purchases, helping you save even more money. Brands offer discounts due to our bulk buying power, benefiting both the merchants and customers.

XClusive Stores is quickly becoming the preferred shopping destination for many people due to its convenience, vast network, and cashback offers. It's an excellent opportunity for both merchants and customers to benefit from this innovative concept.


Here are some reasons why you should choose XPayBack over other deals platforms

  • Create your account

    Sign up for an account on XPayBack and set up your merchant profile.


  • Create your deals

    Use our user-friendly interface to create customized deals and promotions that are tailored to your specific needs and target audience.


  • Manage your deals

    Track the performance of your deals and make adjustments as needed to ensure maximum impact.


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    Get paid

    XPayBack pays merchants based on the redemption of their deals, providing a reliable and predictable revenue stream.

Join XPayBack today and start offering attractive deals and promotions to customers. Our platform provides a cost-effective and easy-to-use way for you to promote your products and services, increase exposure for your brand, and drive sales for your business.