With our user-friendly interface, you can create customized vouchers that reflect your brand and meet the needs of your target audience.
With XPayBack, you have complete control over the type of vouchers and gift cards you offer. You can set your own terms and conditions, including the value, expiry date, and redemption rules.
Offering vouchers and gift cards through XPayBack is a cost-effective way to promote your business and increase sales. You can offer discounts and promotions without cutting into your profit margins.
Our platform has a large and diverse customer base, providing you with the opportunity to reach new audiences and increase exposure for your brand.
XPayBack pays merchants based on the redemption of their vouchers, providing a reliable and predictable revenue stream.
Vouchers and gift cards can help you build lasting relationships with your customers. By offering incentives for repeat purchases, you can encourage customer loyalty and drive sales.
Our platform provides a cost-effective and easy-to-use way for you to promote your business, increase exposure for your brand, and drive sales.